Eat enough carrots in this season, get 10 benefits and learn 12 effective tips

Looking at the red and sweet carrot, it immediately remembers the halva. Certainly the pudding made with carrots is so beautiful. Carrot is not only good in taste, but it has many special properties to keep you fit.

It enhances your eyesight as well as keeping you healthy. Regular use of carrots is also very beneficial for your hair and skin. Make Carrot Juice a part of your everyday diet because it is very tasty with being delicious.

1. To make carrot juice rich in special properties, beta-carotene, vitamins and potassium present in it. Carrot from beta-carotene forms the most effective source of vitamin A. Carrots gain strength in the body's immune system. Vitamin A not only increases your eyesight but also regularly uses carrot juices to protect you from heart diseases.

2. Potassium in carrot juice reduces cholesterol levels in the body. Carrot has the properties of keeping liver clean. Together with potassium, manganese and magnesium, blood sugar levels keep normal and thus reduce the risk of diabetes in the body.

3. Carrot juice contains Vitamin K which helps in the accumulation of blood clots after injury, and prevents bleeding of blood. Vitamin K is effective in recovering injury. Vitamin C present in carrots keeps the gums healthy along with the wound healing.

4. Carrot juice has the property of fighting cancer. It contains a special element called Kerotenoide, which is considered very effective in fighting prostate, colon, and breast cancer.

5. Carrot juice also strengthens the bones by providing enough amount of calcium in the body as well as fulfilling the deficiency of protein in the body.

6. The carrot juice cleans the liver. Different types of poisons produced in the body get out of the use of carrot juice. Carrot's juice boosts the ability to work by giving power to the liver. Carrot juice also helps in weight loss.

7. Carrot juice is particularly beneficial for the child's pregnancy. Its use improves the health of both the child and mother.

8. Carrot juice increases the quality of mother's milk.

9. Carrot juice keeps babies from birth in the womb from infections.

10. Carrot juice is very effective for those trying to gain weight because it has very little calorie intake. Due to low calorie, this is a very good healthy drink. Carrot juice forms part of almost all diet plan due to its special properties.

Other prescriptions of carrots: If the skin is burnt with fire, then grinding raw carrots grows immediately and cools down in the burnt spot.

To strengthen the brain, take the carrot mash daily in the morning. Lower blood pressure patients should take honey in carrot juice. Blood pressure will be normal. Take acne, stains, oats, etc. of carrot juice, tomato juice, orange juice and sugar beet juice for about two and a half grams of water daily. Take the amount of carrot, chukundar and cucumber juice in equal quantity in the complaint of calculus.

After grinding carrots and baking it on the fire, making it a poultice, the boils are cured. The carrot pickle destroys the spleen disease. Take one cup of carrot juice every morning and evening in insomnia. Eating carrots destroys abdominal, gall, cough and constipation. It cleanses the stools deposited in the intestines intensely. Boil the carrot and take out the juice. By cooling it, mixing 1 teaspoon honey in 1 cup juice and drinking it removes the pain in the chest. By feeding raw carrots to the children, the stomach worms leave. Regular consumption of carrots enhances the amount of iron elements in the blood by removing the deficiency of blood.


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