how to increase your breast size at home

Every woman is aspiring that every part of her body is beautifully charmed, but the most attractive part of men is the most attracted to men and breast is the most important part of women. There should be no written definition of breast size, it should depend on the confluence of the companions and companions, but breast size is very important in exposing our personality. Women's breast size is very small or too big, which also embarrasses them many times. Occasionally, the partner's interest also affects this reason. And to get rid of this problem, market-specific tips like surgery medicine are costly as well as with side effects. So if you want your breast size to be perfect, beautiful and attractive, then just follow our instructions and you will start feeling yourself.

But yes, keep in mind that every recipe should suit you, so observe if you do not do the suits and leave it and then suits you then you can continue continuing. The effect will definitely happen and the increase in Hr Breath size is not a night or two to four days work, its effect takes time to appear, so try the tips with Patience yourself. The result will be seen in itself at its own time. So let's know the tips that increase breast size.

1. Nutritious diet

No recipe will be able to show the effect till you find the right diet. Keep in mind that these prescriptions will not show much effect on those women who are too weak and do not eat properly. If you are worried about small breasts, then correct your diets first. Include milk, almonds, nut-free diet in your food.

2. Raw mangoes

Remove the raw mango gram and grate the pulp and make a paste. Apply this coating on the breasts and wash it when the drip is dried. Do not use very cold water while washing, the water is either lukewarm or the common cold. Try this remedy for a long time with other measures. This not only helps in increasing the size, but the women who have become loose in their breast will also develop.

3. Soyabean

One major reason for not growing the size of the breasts is the decrease in estrogen levels in the body. It is necessary to increase breast size. So you start eating soybeans. Eating it increases the estrogen level in the body. Secondly, protein is also very good in soya bean. In this way you eat uncomfortable soybeans.

4. Milk

Milk itself is a compounded food, but often we see that dims use less milk. It is not necessary that women who do not drink milk should be breast-fed, but yes, milk for women whose size is small is definitely beneficial for them. Milk contains both proteins and fats, both help in increasing the size of breast. There are no empty issues in the breasts, fat is also there and milk gives us chuck fat.

5. Papaya

Papaya does not just cure the stomach, it also works to make the face and breasts even better with the stomach. Combine diets of papaya and milk are considered as best tips for increasing breast size.

6. Fenugreek seeds

Fenugreek seed is helpful for us in many cases. And most of the time, we know that to enhance the flavor of your kitchen, you probably will not know that this is an effective treatment to increase breast size. Fenugreek increases estrogen levels in the body. Soak the seeds of a teaspoon of fenugreek on the night and chew them in the morning and drink water. Simultaneously grind the fenugreek seeds and make a paste and apply it on the breast and wash after drying and massage its oil.

7. Linseed seeds

Linseed seeds also work very well to increase the breast size. You can eat them directly or can sweat in wheat. The chutney of their seeds is also made. You can eat it by putting it on the oil salad etc. and also massage the brass with linseed oil. Believe it is cheap and the most effective recipe.

8. Massage

Massage is the best option to increase breast size. Put oil on both hands and comfortably put oil on both breasts. After that, rinse the breast slightly lightly from the bottom to the bottom. Keep the movement of the hands above the bottom. After this move the light hands down from the bottom to the circle. To massage, you can use linseed, almonds, fennel, olive oil, sarso oil. After about thirty minutes of massage you will see positive results in a few days.

9. Exercise

Exercise is the easiest way to increase breast size. Exercise will also enhance the beauty of your body. For this you should take 5 kg weight in both hands and sit in a chair and lift it. Keep in mind that your hands are equal to your shoulders. Do this for 5 to 10 seconds continuously, then come to the starting position, then do this again. You will feel the consequences of this Exercise daily.


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