Make these tips for makeup

Beautiful eyes not only give you the best look but also the four moons in your personality. Generally, big eyes are considered beautiful but some people have little eyes. But if you do the right makeup, then your little eyes also look attractive. Let's know about such expert tricks to increase the beauty of your eyes: -

Primer and Foundation Base
The primer keeps the makeup for long periods of time. Before applying mascara, liner or shadow, you put the primer and the foundation. With its help, the dark circles and stains of the eyes hide under the eyes. Make a forward make-up only after this.

Hide Dark Circles from Concealer
After doing eye make-up, make sure to clean the surrounding area of ​​the eyes and if there are dark circles then apply lasso powder on it using the concealer. This increases the glow of eyes.

Correct i-brao shape

Eye-brao shape according to the natural shape of the eyes, your eyes look beautiful and big. Make eyebrows before making eye make-up and set them with comb help. Can use black or brown pencils for correct shape, which makes it natural.

Artificial eyelashes

To give the eyelids a thick and beautiful look, you can apply artificial eyelashes, or with the help of eyelash curler, you can curl the lashes with a double coat of mascara. With the mascara, your eyes will get a bigger look, as well as the beauty of the eyes also increases. The mascara is applied on the eyes on the upper and lower eyelids. By applying this, the eyelids are straightened and they look bigger than normal. If you want to rotate the eyelids, you can make a maskara.


Eyeshadow takes more space than eyes, eyes make it look bigger. Put a light colored powder eyeshadow on the outer edge of the island. Apply Dark Shadow on the crease. To make the eyes look big, you can use Pell, Shimmer, Eye Shadow etc. on your eyes. Well some shades always look good like - black, gray or purple If you are a college going girl then you can also apply colors such as pink, brown or maroon. Place the eyeshadow only after putting liner and a mascara.


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