More weight can be caused due to depression

Simple things like heavy shopping bags can increase your stress. This has been revealed in a recent research. During a study, participants were asked to hold a shopping bag full of bags before giving their opinion on a subject. The other group was left empty handed.

According to the science magazine 'Consumer Research', those who had shopping bags in their hands took issues more seriously than those with empty hands. Physical weight affects an individual's brain. During research, when people who weighed were asked to think about light things like balloons and feathers, negative psychological effects ended.

Such changes may be beneficial for people with a stress-related social group. Research in the University of Queensland in Australia was told that if the patients join stitching, embroidery, yoga, sports or any arts club, then they will work as group treatment for them. Spend time with family to avoid depression, worry is also less because of telling your partner or a particular friend about the problem.


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