How to ask a mobile number for any girl

First of all you need to make a better friend of that girl, she will have to take care of that she will give you her number so you will not share her number with anyone else. She will give her your mobile number only when you have enough You will have complete faith. Afterwards, you will not need to go all the way and you will easily get the number if you ask for a number.

No need to make a despo

Do you know that every girl was never liked by the Despovers boy.It means that the boys who roam behind the girls in the alley in the street. If you like a girl with a true heart then you should show the use of You do not need it at all either, you will go away and will not give you its mobile number any time. You do not need to do any kind of rush at this time.

Never lie

No girl likes to laugh at all. Even if you ask her for a laugh and ask for her mobile number then she would like to make a friendship with you, she will not do that too. The girl is very vicious in such a case.

These tricks are just as easy and straightforward as every boy can try, but the tricks are now very old, then stay away from it, it will be better for you. You have to speak directly to him, help him or his friend If you have to ask for his number then you can go and ask for a mobile number by yourself and you do not even need to drag someone else into it. If you do that, then he will give you If you do not even have the courage to ask for a mobile number, then what will friendship play?

Do not be embarrassed at all

If you do not feel embarrassed at any time, then it will be better for you to talk to a girl, it is not enough to talk to a girl, she can ask for some time from you and afterwards you will think and give her a mobile number.Maybe she will tell you something -They refuse to tell you their arms and you feel completely helpless. For this reason, try your plan again without losing any time.

Why always be prepared for the question

This is a question that every girl asks if you ask for a mobile number, "why do you want my mobile number", if the girl asks such a question you should never be afraid. Such questions can make you a little worried, but you can get a little bit active And have to face such questions. When you should prepare the answer to this question in advance.

Most of the girls like boys who fall behind them, but when four moon takes place in them, that boy is his choice. I hope you have got this understanding right from my point of view.

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