how to choice best hair shampoo

Washing the hair daily is like brushing teeth and washing face. It is like our schedule daily. Those whose hair is beautiful are beautiful, they have no problem, but whose hair is lifeless or weak, they have to take care of hair very much. Are you among those who are more aware of the shampoo's brand or the shampoo that the shopper offers you buy the same. If you are from these then you have to be precise now, because you should choose the right shampoo for your hair.

It depends entirely on which hair shampoo should you use on your hair type? Which chemicals and ingredients should be included? Which shampoo is right for pH level, keeping all these questions in mind, buy shampoo only.

What kind of hair do you have?
Are your hair curl or straight? Waving or flat? Do you paint your hair? Some such questions should also be taken into account when buying shampoo. Let us tell you that there are different shampoo for every kind of hair type in the market.

Not only this, but the features and advantages of every shampoo are different. Therefore, select the shampoo for your hair accordingly. The easiest way to select the best shampoo for hair is to read the labels on the shampoo pack. They come in many types, such as stout hair, oily hair, fine hair, fridge hair, etc.

Fine Heirs

Those who have fine hair in their hair can use volumizing shampoo on their hair.

Curly heirs

Those whose hair is curly, wash hair with shampoo, whose hair is rustic and chemically treated.

Stale hair

In the same way, whose hair is lifeless and rosy, use shampoo that has moisture, so that the hair continues to remain moisturizing. Coconut oil is beneficial for your hair if your hair is stiff. There is no hair oil better than coconut oil for hair care.

Oily herers

Use shampoo that is specially made for oily hair. Keep distance from moisturizer and conditioner. Oily hair also has a problem with Russian. Wash it with shampoo that contains Ketoconazole, Selenium and Zinc Python.

For hair and hair color

Use such shampoo, which does not wash the hair after washing the hair.

Do you have conditioners in hair?
In earlier times, shampoo was just a liquid soap. Washing the hair caused hair to become lifeless and rigid. After the arrival of the conditioner, moisture was added to the shampoo. Conditioning of hair after shampoo is very important, the conditioner comes back in the hair and the moisture comes back. This also gives a stylish look to the hair.

Should hair shampoo everyday?

Some girls wash their hair every day, but washing hair everyday is not right. Hair should be washed at least four times in a week. Using more shampoo, natural brightness disappears and hair oil is eliminated, but if your hair is oily then you can wash them daily.

Keeping these choices in the selection of shampoo

1. Skeletal care

Hair care means monitoring the scalp of hair. Roots get new hair only. Therefore, to wash the hair, choose such shampoo that does not harm the hair root. Hair scalp is sensitive to our skin. If your shampoo is not right you may also have skin diseases.


Hair scalp is more than pH level hair. If you use a kind of pH level shampoo, it can weaken your hair. Use the same shampoo in which the pH level is written.

3. Time Factor

In Shampoo's pack it is written that it has to be done once a week or twice. Time factor should be given considerable notice in the selection of shampoo. This shows that this shampoo can be used daily that two to three times a week.

4. Check the ingredients used in shampoo

Before buying shampoo, check the ingredients. For example, if you are allergic to Methyl, then Methyl-based shampoo is harmful for those chemicals that are sensitive to your skin, do not use them.

5. Follow the instructions

Instructions are given back in the shampoo bottle, do not forget to follow them. Wash the hair with cold water only after shampooing. Also, do not use hot water.

6. Pay attention to the necessary nutrition

Before buying shampoo, know which natural oil or herb contains. If your shampoo contains Jojoba oil, green tea, then it is helpful to keep your hair roots healthy and shiny.


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